Nigerian artiste Lyta’s baby mama Kemi called him out a couple of months ago for being a deadbeat dad to their son and also infecting her with STD among other accusations saying there’s no way she’s ever going to forgive him for all that he did to her.
It appears singer Lyta and his baby mama Kemi has patched things up as she has elevated him to the position of her husband after claiming she will never forgive him
But a recent video and post she made shows that she has actually forgiven him and taken him back into her life as she has elevated him to the husband position calling him her husband as she cooks for him and their son after sharing a video of them together.
According to Kemi, Instagram shutting down suddenly for hours was a blessing to her as she enjoyed playing with Lyta and their son saying they needed the break and Instagram gave it to them right in time with the breakdown.
Adding that everyone needs a social media shutdown once in a blue moon since it helped her enjoyed her time playing around the house with her husband Lyta and their son who he is now taking care of.
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