Popular Nollywood Actress, Nkechi Sunday Blessing, has revealed that she decided to date her most recent ex-lover, Opeyemi Falegan simply because she wanted to get back at her American ex, Mike Adeyemi.
Speaking on TVC’s programme known as “your view” she said ;
I wouldn’t want anybody to make the mistake I made.
I recently broke up a relationship with my ex who is based in America.
In the heat of the breakup, we were still trying to fix things and I discovered that he was posting a new girl.
I realized there’s this man asking me out, in all ramifications, he’s a fine man but he’s not the one i’d like to date but I ended up in a relationship with him because i wanted a rebound.
A lot of ladies make this kind of mistake.
She also averred that she is no longer with the man Hon. Falegan.